Tips to Write a Book While You’re a Student

While students learn, they are not busy only with their academic duties. They have various dreams and desires that should be somehow combined with the learning process. Many students have excellent writing and critical thinking skills. When they realize they write perfect essays and short stories, they dream of becoming writers such as John Tolkien, Joan Rowling, and others. Yet, most of them never even start trying to write a book because they do not believe they can succeed in both directions.

We would like to prove them wrong. There are many smart and effective ways to learn effectively, as well as find enough time to sharpen your skills that help to write a great book. One of them is to read classic English literature books to gain experience of famous and successful authors. This is, however, only one way to develop your book writing skills. Our useful blog post provides many other tips that will surely help to write a book while you are a student.

Read a Lot

First of all, you need to gain experience. You should read books of your favorite writers, as well as the authors who are popular at the moment. It means they have something special that attracts readers and so can teach you a lot.

It is also necessary to read specialized literature on writing books. Go to the local library, as well as surf the Internet. You will definitely find heaps of guides, tutorials, manuals, and similar stuff that explains how to start writing a book, develop your skills, enrich your experience, and something of the kind. Most materials can be accessed for free.

Select the Genre

Before getting the first idea to dwell upon, be sure you know in what genre your book will be. Listen to your heart! Do not try to write in the most popular genres at the moment. It won’t work because you should really love and be interested in the genre you select. Commonly, beginning writers write in the genres they like to read. Let’s check the most popular genres that can suit your preferences.

Science Fiction
Historical Fiction
Children’s Fiction
Art and photography
Humor, etc.

Practice Your Writing Skills Regularly

Your second regular habit should be regular writing. All your ideas, plans, and assumptions should be reflected in the paper. You will never find if they work well together until you write them down. As you intend to be a writer, you should develop this habit and work out your skills every day for several hours.

Let’s take a look at the famous Stephen Kind who is surely the most productive writer in history. The old good king of horror releases at least one book every year. His books are not small at all! What is his secret? There are surely more than one, but we would share the most amazing rule he follows always. He writes at least 3 pages every day! Even if you have no desire for writing or lack ideas, write these pages. They may be terrible, but your writing talents gain experience daily. Stick to this rule too, and you will be pleasantly impressed with the fruits it brings.

Learn from the Best

There is nothing wrong with mimicking the works of other authors. We do not mean copy and paste. We mean read attentively a good book and rework literature means, ideas, and concepts of a certain author. See how you can change and even improve his or her topic. Perhaps you may write a continuation or write a completely new story with similar features. This is a very effective method.

Apply Smart Apps

We guess all clever students use certain digital tools to cope with their academic assignments. You can apply them when you write your book as well. Give close heed to grammar checkers, such as Grammarly, and editors, such as The Hemingway Editor. They quickly scan the whole text and underline mistakes. They likewise offer their corrections. Thus, you can detect all the mistakes and know how to fix them.

Control Your Time Perfectly

Being a student means being a very busy person. You need to combine your study time and your book writing. Develop a flexible schedule with realistic deadlines and goals. You should assess your real abilities to be sure you can complete your assignments on time, as well as devote at least 2-4 hours to writing a book every day.


It is quite possible to combine learning and writing a book successfully. Our smart tips show you the path. Make sure you follow them. Thanks to these tips, you may write a great piece and become a famous writer while you are so young.